image guiding spirit lightAs a natural born sensitive and medium, I have been aware of spirit ever since I can remember but my journey as a spiritualist medium only started in adulthood and has been a great source of comfort and inspiration to me as it continues to unfold now. I believe that we are all spirit within a physical body and as a medium, I do my utmost to be the best channel I can to bring through evidence of survival after bodily death.    I travel both in the UK and abroad as a spiritualist medium, demonstrating in centres and churches and also give one to one private sittings and tarot readings.

I am also passionate about helping others to develop their own psychic faculties and mediumistic gifts and run workshops and development circles, in addition to one to one sessions, to enhance and assist in unfolding these abilities.  Some of the topics covered are:-

  • mediumship
  • trance mediumship
  • embracing the spirit within
  • psychic awareness
  • tarot readings

We are all individuals with our own special qualities and I feel it is important that we approach our unfoldment in a relaxed and natural way.  Please contact me if you would like to have a chat about your own unfoldment or you would like to have a sitting or arrange a mediumship demonstration.