candle and flowersHealing is a natural energy therapy that complements conventional medicine by treating the whole person – mind, body and spirit.

It is a simple, safe, non-invasive and supportive therapy that aims to bring balance, as well as to stimulate the body’s own natural healing ability. As a healer, I  link to the universal energy in a method called ‘attunement’ and become a channel through which the healing energy flows to the person who may or may not be present, the benefits of which can be felt on many levels,  physically, emotionally and spiritually.

We are all energy in our purest natural form. As human beings we are continually interacting with different levels and forms of energy which have a positive and negative effect upon us. Have you ever walked into a room full of people and you can automatically detect the levels of energy within the room making you happy or sad? This is because on one level we are consciously using energy to express and communicate our emotions and thoughts to each other and on another subconscious level we send and receive the ‘unseen’ positive and negative vibrations which affect us.

Receiving  positive energy has a therapeutic effect on us, helping us to balance out and cleanse negativity from our chakras ( the centres of life force or vital energy within the body).  This can leave us feeling refreshed both physically and mentally. To benefit a person doesn’t need to have any religious beliefs  to be open to being “healed”. All that is asked is that you come with an open mind.

I am a Reiki Healer and Trance Healer and work with universal energies as a channel for healing so please contact me if you feel you would like to have an experience of Light of Libra healing. I can never promise a particular outcome but please know that I will always do my very best to attune to the healing energies with  sincerity and love and always for the highest good.